Episode Two. Check out Episodes page for more info.
Episode Three! Check out the Episodes page for more info.
Episode 4 - for more info, check out the Episodes page!
Apparently, people who download spend more money on average on media than others. Hmmmm.....
uh, can you say, "adorable"? cmon. say it.
Well, didn't get much done today... library kicked us out at 5:30 - so I came home and rewatched RIP: A Remix Manifesto for inspiration. Added the CC (Creative Commons) copyright stuff to the site and threw up a forum. If you're at all interested in digital music culture, please to the forum and comment on the questions. We want to hear what you have to say!!

It would be great to get a conversation started. 

This is vaguely relevant, but McRobbie does write a lot about music culture. So I can post this.
Apparently, someone has uploaded a copy of the Pirate Bay. Hilarious. Can't kill P2P, when will we learn?